What is the Snapp Toon?

Snapp Toon is a mobile application where you create stylized 3D characters, animate them, and publish short-form animated content.

We want to create a community for animated story creators to come together, share their work, and earn money doing what they love. We are building a platform that supports animation creators and helps them reach a wider audience.

What is special about this app?

  • The first real-time editing and 3D animation tool on your iPhone. If you are handy with mobile video editors, you are already 80% familiar with the tool. We only added character and camera layers. 
  • All files and assets are saved to the Cloud to simplify collaboration.
  • Open community for sharing files and assets, like GitHub for animators. 
    • Imagine how much you can learn from others when they share source files of how they made it. 
  • Provides creators with hosting, distribution, promotion and monetization. 


Who is this app for?

  • For beginners who don't know how to animate, but want to make animated content right now.
  • For content producers who want to create animated content for YouTube, TikTok and Instagram quickly and regularly.
  • For 3D artists who are looking for additional earnings.
  • For fans who want to create their favourite characters and make animated stories.
  • For educators teaching the principles of editing, composition and storytelling.


What can I create in the app?

Design your own characters, animate them and share animated content on TikTok, YouTube and Instagram. 

Snapp Toon consists of four modules:

  • Character Designer: build your custom characters.
  • Story Engine: animated film-making tools.
  • UGC Marketplace: sharing ready-made characters.
  • Snapp Toon Crafting: a site where 3D artists can import full characters and parts.

Supported platforms: iPhone, iPad, MacOS (M1 and up)


What are the limitations of the Story Engine?

This is the first real-time editing and 3D animation tool optimized for mobile phones: 

  • 2D representation of a set or location instead of 3D scene.
  • 2D camera with zoom, roll, pan with parallax 
  • No particles and dynamics yet.


Story Engine will grow along with the growth of phone capabilities and will be directed by the community. Here are some of the features we are planning for future app updates:

  • Sharing custom motion graphics and animation files.
  • Adding The Studio - a place where a group of people can work together. 
  • 3D camera tracking to let you place your characters in live shots.
  • Generative AI for backgrounds, AI assistant to help assemble shots and episodes.


Is the app free?

Free with in-app purchases. 


Can I earn money inside the app?

  • You can sell characters, parts and animations that you created. You license your digital creations. 
  • Snapps are the internal currency of the application. All in-app purchases are made between users, the platform withholds a 33% fee on any transaction.
  • 3D artists can create body parts in Blender or Maya to import and sell them in the Character Designer. You’ll get Snapps each time someone buys a character containing your asset.
  • Users can design characters in the Snapp Toon Character Designer and put them up for sale in the marketplace or in their personal store. Other users can also buy characters directly from your cartoons while watching them.
  • If you are a skilled animator, you can create animations and moving graphics elements and share them for free or as paid content. 
  • Creators Fund will be formed and distributed among toons creators on a monthly basis (TBD). 
  • When a sufficient number of Snaps are collected in your wallet, they can be cashed out (TBD).


Is it possible to import characters from external programs?

Yes, you can create characters in other programs to meet Snapp Toon technical requirements (for example, using our skeletons, do not exceed the polygon limit), and then import them into the application. The import is done in your personal account on the Snapp Toon Crafting site.


Is it possible to work in a group?

Yes. You will be able to open a studio, invite friends to it and work together as a team to create content. A studio is a shared workspace, a store, and a public video channel. All income received on the platform goes to the studio's wallet and is then distributed among the participants. (TBD)


Who owns the rights to what I create?

You license to the platform everything that you create on it. 

When you are publishing a character or story on Snapp Toon, you can lock it to prohibit any modifications by other users. 

Can I use the content I have created commercially outside of the platform?

Yes, you can use the content created on the platform for commercial purposes, but you are responsible if you violate the intellectual property rights of the original IP owners.